Friday, 15 May 2020

Client again Jazz North

We are delighted to be working with Jazz North again. Back in 2018 we worked together evaluating their 'northern line' programme which was for unsigned new jazz artists and groups. At the time we recommended a back to basics focus, teaching bands how to run the business side of jazz. We enjoyed our time together.

Out of the blue, Jazz North called us in March explaining they had a new project and they wanted to understand the impact in a bit more depth. This is Jazz Camp for Girls. Working with young women, aged as young as 8 years old, Jazz North is trying hard to address gender stereotypes and barriers.

We are delighted to be the evaluation partner on the programme, and look forward to understanding how we can stop jazz being a man's world!

You can see more about Jazz North here. Jazz North is an Arts Council funded National Portfolio Organisation and is the jazz development agency for the north of England.