Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Coronavirus; Our Response

All of The Evaluator staff are working from home in response to the Coronavirus. Our team is normally home based, but now we are not taking any face to face appointments or travelling to clients. We are having video calls, and phone calls, and emailing more people.

Some of our clients have had to cancel all their work, some are busy trying to work out if they can amend any of their programmes. Some are asking us to do more work for them. We are 'figuring it out' day by day at the moment and trying to be as flexible and helpful as possible.

We are still considering ways in which we can be of help. People across the world are feeling anxious; about themselves, about health, about food shortages, about money, about work, about life as we know it. Our wellbeing is going to be changing all the time, and maybe we should be measuring that?

None of us know what is coming next, so all we can say is, if you are reading this...

Stay safe & stay sane.